Friday, February 3, 2006

San Francisco’s Sex Geeks Welcome Darling Nicky

filed under: Bubble Hotties, Erotic Elite, Web Sex Index by Melissa Gira | 1 Comment

Nicks by Laughing SquidMeanwhile, at Valleywag’s launch party… you know us San Francisco sex nerds: just get us South of Market, put a complimentary pink Sojutini in our little fingers, and our valley tongues will start a-wagging.

Violet Blue beat me to the story, but good thing she did, as now the scandalizing can be a co-operative effort:

Annalee Newitz: Charlie Girl and I have to go — let’s go *get* Little Nicky.
(I make introductions.)
me (V.B.), to Little Nicky: So, do you live here yet?
Little Nicky: Yes, I live in a commune in [SF neighborhood].
me: You’re in a cult!

Annalee Newitz: A sex cult!
Melissa Gira: Oh, I’ve heard of that cult!
Little Nicky: I don’t think it’s a cult.
me: Oh, you just haven’t been through auditing yet.
Melissa Gira: That cult is all about extending the pleasure of the female orgasm, they’re Tantrikas.

Little Nicky: I haven’t seen anything like that going on.
me: So what’s the big gossip you’re launching with tomorrow?
Little Nicky: I can’t tell you that.
me: That’s because you’re in a cult!
Annalee Newitz: That’s the gossip!

Little Nicky: I don’t think it’s a cult.

Melissa Gira and Violet Blue by Laughing Squid

Which San Francisco sex cult? Come, that would be telling. Though from our turn around the spiritually-bent, ungodly-kinky underground of SF sex, we wouldn’t be surprised at all if some prime tech gossip surfaces from the communal custom cedar hot tub.

And, oh, to be able to sweetly question one of those Google masseuses — because nothing says “bubble” like men in logo-print polos trolling craiglist -> erotic services for companions (think Firefly) for sacred weekend handjob retreats.

Photos: Scott Beale (top, bottom [no, not like that]: Pappa Nick, Little Nicky, your editor, Violet Blue)