Wednesday, November 14, 2007
iminlikewithyou: now with video, and no, not so much anymore
filed under: Web Sex Index, Unpersonals by Melissa Gira
That? That was the shiver of agreeing with Valleywag for this tip: 2007’s standout flirting-for-nerds site iminlikewithyou, in trying to adopt web video’s hotness, has jumped its own rainbow-striped shark. Where the limited interface and smarts required to seduce well with it once drew out the best in commitment-free wit, the rapid-fire comments users can now leave in exchange for dropping some points are needlessly lowering the bar. Unsolicited suggestion: find some way to integrate a CrazyBlindDate-esque feature, and fast.
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Most. Annoying. Site. Design. Ever.
dumb.not interesting at all, didn’t understand the concept, and my humour is really different of all the things i saw